Virgin Mary, Mother of GOD, Queen of the most Holy Rosary, Thou, who hast chosen to raise thy throne of mercy in Manaoag, to be the beloved protectress and Patron of the province of Pangasinan, and there from to bestow thy graces on us, thy children, banished in this valley of tears, look down with thine eyes of mercy upon me who am beset with so many dangers of body and soul. Despise not my petition, O dearest Mother, but intercede for me before thy divine Son now and at the hour of my death, Amen. Virgin of Manaoag, pray for us.
She is believed to have countless miraculous tales and healing powers. For those who cannot visit the shrine of Our Lady of Manaoag, Philippines. A Prayer & lighting a candle for Our Blessed Lady is very powerful.Just believe, pray and light a candle. For those that are interested you can click the site at the right corner of my blog.
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