Lindy Manatad is my good friend in my high school days. I must say we lose contact after we graduated from high school and she decided to pursue college in Manila. Alas, after 25 years i receive a text from her inviting me to attend the alumni meeting of which this year our batch was the host. After that meeting we always call or text and started going out again like those days that we used to, and that's before i left Philippines. Teacher Lindy as i always call her is a good, sweet and caring friend. I remember our high school days wherein we hang around at their house cooking ginatan and saba and eating along with bagoong alamang. Those were simple things that we do but we are contented and happy. For my teacher Lindy, keep up the good work teaching special children. I salute you for being patient with those kids.... Here is a simple but cute message for you. Hope you would like to read and appreciate what i post in my blog. Love and miss you my friend.
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