Got busy these days, hectic schedule. And one is this one-- I attended the ring day of my friend's daughter. The mother requested me to accompany her as her hubby who is supposed to witness his daughter's Ring day has cold. So, had to go with my friend. Speaking of ring day here in the US they really pay attention to it,as one of the school's activity. Putting the ring on the student's finger means that the student is already Junior in his/her high school and would be graduating the next year. High school ring is equivalent to a college ring.

this was inside the building of Maria Regina High School (exclusive girls school)

the school logo with the picture of the founder of the school

the students stand waiting for the Priest's entrance--he will officiate the mass first before the awarding of the ring to each student.

after the mass the principal assisted by the teachers start calling the students to go to the stage and receive their ring from the principal and put it on her finger.

after the ceremony the daughter(right) and her classmate pose for shots showing the ring that is in their fingers.

my friends daughter(center) with the twins who are Filipinos

the picture that she submit to be post on the wall showing the year that she is about to graduate

these are pictures that you could see on the wall, junior students of Maria Regina High School and candidates for graduation class of 2010

the proud Mom( my friend)

my time to pose, been taking a lot of pictures already he he he
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