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JANELAZE Hunt could end up losing her green card if proven that she lied to US authorities about her having a daughter when she applied for a visa and subsequently, a permanant resident status.Bureau of Immigration director for northern Mindanao Florentino Diputado said the US government ‘‘is very strict when it comes to immigration laws.’’He said lying to US immigration authorities about not having a child could mean serious consequences on one’s status as a green card holder.‘‘If it can be proven that Janelaze violated their law, then there’s a chance she would be deported,’’ Diputado said.A message posted by Mrs. Hunt on a ‘‘Yahoo Answers’’ page a year ago suggests that she denied that she had a daughter and lied to her husband, the late Thomas J. Hunt, about it apparently just to be able to go and stay in the US.Diputado said he believed that the Hunt affair was an ‘‘isolated case.’’‘‘Filipino women are generally very caring and loving to their husbands, be they foreigner or not,’’ said Diputado. ‘‘Filipino women are good wives.”Diputado said there were also times when Filipino wives complained to the bureau about alleged abuses. He said there were actual cases Filipino wives who went to the immigration bureau here to complain because they were handled roughly by their expat-husbands.The ‘‘usual reason,’’ according to Diputado, for the alleged abuses: jealousy. He said he advised the complaining wives to press charges.‘‘But things got patched up right away... Complaining wives normally do not come back to the office,’’ said Diputado. But generally, expatriates here have good relationships with their Filipino wives, he said.
JANELAZE Hunt's question in YAHOO ANSWER...
Is there any chance to get my daughter even i denied her in USCIS..Im stillgreencard holder?Hello Mr. Garfunkil,i came her in US for fiancee visa last2005 of Dec.10th..Right now i already pass my removal of status to become agreencard.My big problems is i denied in immigration that i have daughter soright now my husband know already everything about my past which he accept mewith all his heart ,so right now ?Our problems is do we have a chance topetition my daughter to come here in US shes still 4 years old right isimmigration wont bother this case?Can u help me for this case or can u give me aadvice what we gonna supposed to do,while right now im still waiting for mygreencard coz i just file last Feb.19,2008 this year?please can u give meadvaice what can we do for this situation hoping for ur good help & what canwe do for this status which i denied my daughter..Is there any chance that shecan still come her with us? Janelaze R. Hunt fromYuma ,Arizona.
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