I was forced to research this article as this problem bothers me. My youngest son in the Philippines who is 18 years old is still grinding his teeth when he is asleep. In the middle of the night sometimes i wake up of his grinding that is so loud that i sometimes shake him just to avoid it. One time he was that time 10 years i really couldn't sleep that i pinch him in his groin in the middle of the night and he was shocked and crying asking me why i pinch him, i pity him and it breaks my heart after that after all he doesn't know that he was grinding. I told him that he grinds his teeth and he ask me what shall he do to avoid it and me being a mother doesn't know why he grinds. I am thinking that this is just natural and it will go away when he gets older. In my talk with a friend they told me that if it happens again i must get one of my slipper and slap him on the face which i did too uttering the word may that bad habit of yours go away then throw the slippers out of the window. Too bad because i slap him with my slipper harder that he end up in crying again in the middle of the night(he was then 17 years old)and again he was shocked that he could not say anything but ask me why and my answer is just to help him. I thought that by doing so it would stop but until now it is still the same. Until last night i googled it and the following explains.
Teeth grinding is clinically referred to as bruxism. Simply defined, it is the act of consciously or unconsciously clenching your teeth either during the day or while you sleep. Bruxism is considered both a medical and dental problem, as it affects both the teeth and all the structure near it, including the head.
Teeth grinding usually happens when one sleeps. Have you ever had a roommate or a sleeping partner that snores? Well you might have one that grinds their teeth in sleep as well. Teeth grinding is as common as snoring. But unlike snoring, teeth grinding sounds are a little on the low side, although it could be as bothersome as well.
People grind their teeth for a number of reasons. Doctors believe that it is because of stress. Dentists say that it happens because one's teeth are not properly aligned with each other. There are quite a lot of reasons why people grind their teeth. To know more about teeth grinding causes, read our article.
Teeth grinding happens in kids too. Some parents might find it disturbing to hear their child grinding their teeth in their sleep. While it is really not a big problem for kids as it is in adults, it is still proper to bring your child to a dentist so his teeth are checked. Children normally outgrow their teeth grinding habits. But if you would like to learn how teeth grinding affects children, check out the article.
Kids usually outgrow teeth grinding because their teeth are not yet permanent. Eventually, their baby teeth will be replaced with a permanent set that's stronger, better, and more aligned.
However, the same can't be said with adults. Adult teeth are permanent and would never change any longer. Therefore, adults should watch out for the complications of teeth grinding.
Teeth grinding, although it is not a major health issue, could bring about problems like mouth, jaw, and face problems, broken dentures, missing teeth, and several others. It is very important for adults to consult a dentist so that their teeth grinding habit is addressed before any further problem develops.
One would know if he or she suffers from bruxism if the symptoms of teeth grinding appear. The symptoms of this condition vary greatly with its root cause. Some or all of the symptoms may appear. So if your roommate tells you that you clench your teeth in your sleep, don't put it aside. Consult your dentist right away.
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