to watch another show called the Marvelous Wanderettes. While we are on the line
i take a chance to take pictures of the streets and buildings in the broadway area. You can see
tall buildings with big billboards of the musical shows and opera across 46th street. My neck is aching looking at this tall buildings. Even if my i feel the pain i still continue taking photos while looking at this
people here waiting their turn to get to the ticket booth. The line was really long. And for us not to feel bored we decided to eat our burgers which we buy before we go to the line. After eating i take this picture at the steps of Duffy Square just on top of the broadway's ticket booth.
Down this steps is the statue of Lt. Francis Duffy.He is a Catholic Priest of the 165th US Infantry Old 69th N.Y. Gee, it was snowing here that makes the pics blurry.I did not expect that at this Spring time it would fall. Anyway, it takes few minutes but so much cold. Anyway,
At the back of this monument is the facts about Lt. Francis Duffy. Just click the pic if you want more info.
Facing this monument is the famous Time Square. During New Year lots of people New Yorkers and tourist flock at this area to witness the dropping of the ball on New Years Eve. If you see it at a closer distance on top of this building is the ball and on the middle is the clock where people watch the time.
At last we were able to buy the ticket that we are waiting. At exactly 3 pm was the show. This is my first time to watch live show. The price is reasonable as we are able to get 50% discount. I thought it is boring because the musical show features the song of the 50's but i am wrong we did enjoy it. It was a great experience.
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