Welcome to the Gadget World! Technology is not just exciting but easy to understand. In this fast pace era you would be force to upgrade yourself so you could adopt using the latest and innovative gadgets and technology. A lifestyle that one cannot just put aside. One must familiarize themselves using different kinds of gadget. If you don’t know how to use these gadgets you will be left behind. You need to know how to operate this gadgets that is familiar to everybody computers, cell phones, digital cameras and now GPS. By the way what is this gadget all about?
The Global Positioning System or GPS is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPS was originally intended for military applications, but in the 1980s, the government made the system available for civilian use. GPS works in any weather conditions, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day.
GPS Car Navigation is real big help when you are travelling (by car) because what is in stored in the unit is a special program that shows you thru the map that is on the screen, also commands and directions that will guide you verbally the names of the street you're traveling on and the name of the street you'll turn on appear on the system.
Instructions on how you operate the system:
Step1 -Start the engine, and insert a map disc CD-ROM into the CD player's CD slot.
Step2 -Follow the voice instructions of the Commander.
Step3 -Say the word "Navigator" before each command.
Step4 -Spell the street name, address or name of the point of interest you want to go to. The Commander will respond, "Are you at (Street Name)?"
Step5 -Say, "Yes." The Commander will begin its directions.
Step6 -Say, "Navigator next." The Commander will tell you how far to drive until the next turn.
Step7 -Drive the route. After making the turn, say, "Navigator next." The Commander will tell you how far you will have to drive to the next turn.
Step8 -Repeat until you reach the destination. You can request the Commander to give the previous instruction by saying, "Navigator previous." And you can ask the system to repeat a direction by saying, "Navigator repeat."
Step9 -Say, "Navigator next," when you reach the destination, and the Commander will say, "Goodbye," and shut off.
My husband is fond of shopping and buying most of our things online and he gets this gadget at HSN.com. The good thing in buying online is there is no hassle of going out and it is delivered right at your doorstep. We already tried this GPS when we travel to Connecticut and it’s pretty good and easy to use. We don’t need to print the directions on the computer like we used to do. Once you start your car, plug it and open the map will appear on the small screen and verbally it will show and guide you the directions where you will turn or go from the start point to the end point based on the address that you set. The funny part is that he buys the product for me. He said that it is in preparation at the time that i decide to learn how to drive but as of now I am not interested yet because I am living in New York where all means of transportation is available. We are lucky to have taxis, buses, and trains that anytime we need we can go or might as well call unlike in other states that you really need to learn how to drive and have a car in order for you to reach your destination. Me if my hubby is not available I can call taxi that would take me to my destination.Or I will go to the bus/train station. Favor for me as I have nervous in driving. I just hope that one day I will have the guts to drive and that I will not feel nervous getting into the car where i will be the one on the drivers seat.
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