The New Archbishop of New York
Timothy Dolan was formally installed today at 2:34 p.m. in a solemn but joyful Mass that was filled by clergy members, parishioners and leaders of the city’s political and business elites. In a 20-minute homily at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the biggest and longest round of applause — one that led to a standing ovation — came midway, after he spoke of the church’s mandate to “protect the dignity of every human person, the sanctity of human life,” specifically “the tiny baby in the womb.” Archbishop Dolan first thanked the assembled and especially Cardinal
Edward M. Egan, his predecessor and New York’s archbishop since 2000. Part of Archbishop Dolan’s homily elicited laughs at various points, first when he hinted that the crowds were so plentiful because “everybody wants to take sanctuary on income tax day,” and later when he thanked his mother, Shirley. “We were afraid this morning that she might not make it,” he joked. “She heard that there was a sale on at Macy’s.” He is the 10th Archbishop of the Diocese of New York which is the 2nd largest Dioscese in the whole country serving 2.5 million Catholics.
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