Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Philippines " A Nation of Servants" - Chip Tsao

A guy named Chip Tsao wrote his reaction to the Philippine policy on the Spratly Islands. Here’s a screenshot of a portion of his article called The war at home.
Click the article to make it bigger so you can read the whole details
After watching this news yesterday at TFC that Chip Tsao of Hongkong published in HK Magazine called us (Filipino) as "A nation of Servants" i felt sad, but before making any knee-jerk reaction, I tried to find more information about Chip Tsao. He is a book author, broadcast journalist, columnist and former BBC reporter and reputedly famous for his “wry sense of humor and sarcasm.” He His writings have been the subject of controversy before — see this and this. The Spratly article is not the first time he’s taken a swipe at Filipino women either — see this.at the same time, look at the brighter side what's wrong with being a DH (domestic helper). It is a decent job than being a drug Lord(like what i heard from news while still in the Philippines that in some raids where an undocumented Chinese is involved) I would not say all but there are some. I felt sad that Chip Tsao is not thinking if there are also loop holes in their country that they just don't publish with the reason that it would be a shame on them if they will publish news that would riun the dignity of their country. If only cursing can kill, i would kill you by cursing you. How dare you Chip Tsao! You are racist. Don't you know that we give a big contributions to your economy serving well to your countrymen? Instead of us gaining recognition with what we did to you and to your countrymen, this is what we get. I would say that you are greedy owning the Spratly's when you know that it belongs to the Philippines. You want to earn recognition from the world by ruining the reputation of my country? What kind of person you are. Do you sleep well and are you happy with what you achieve knowing that you are hurting a person's heart? I would forgive you for your words because i know that God is not sleeping. I would pray that one day justice would prevail. Cheers....

Note: Thank you for reading the article. I did not publish this article to start a heated argument, i just want to err my side being a Filipino. I promote Peace!!!!

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